The Defend the Castle DINO HUNT is almost a mile long drive-through event with life size WALKING AND ANIMATRONIC DINOSAURS the first three weekends in February. We have over 30 dinosaurs on the castle grounds to include:
• Life size animatronic Stegosaurus
• Life size animatronic Ankylosaurus
• Life size animatronic Maiasaura
• 2 - 5m animatronic Pachycephalosaurus
• Life size animatronic juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex
• Plus many more
Defend the Castle Dino Hunt is the family’s chance to bring their Nerf type Blaster and shoot the invading dinosaurs with the Nerf type darts. While remaining in the protection of your vehicle and driving through the Castle grounds, you will help by defending the castle from the Dinosaur invasion. ED'S DINOSAURS LIVE is one of the largest collections of life size dinosaurs in the United States. It’s a must see!
General Admission Ticket includes: $20 Online Booking or $30 at the Gate (up to six people per carload) - Online Booking Cutoff is 2 hours before scheduled arrival times.
1 Carload (up to six people per carload) Entrance to the Storm the Castle Dino HUNT!
Unlimited drive thru for the day of your scheduled arrival
VIP Admission Ticket includes: $150 per carload(up to six people per carload)
1 Carload Entrance to the Storm the Castle Dino HUNT!
Park & Visit an exclusive behind the scenes tour of the Storm the Castle Dino Hunt
Meet & Greet with Mr. Ed of Ed’s Dinosaurs Live and his Dino handlers.